ポートランドを代表するのドーナツ店「VOODOO DOUGHNUT」の魔法は、甘いお菓子が詰まった鮮やかなピンクの箱の中にある。
ポートランドの奇妙な人気店、オールドタウン・チャイナタウンの角にあるこの居心地のいい店は、24時間年中無休営業で、SW 3rd Ave通りに店舗を構える。
VOODOO DOUGHNUTはKenneth "Cat Daddy" Pogson(キャット・ダディ)とTres Shannonの2人によってスタート。
Voodoo Doughnut
The magic is in the hole — or, in the case of Portland’s iconic 24-hour donut shop Voodoo Doughnut, the magic is in a bright pink box packed with sugary treats.
A weird Portland favorite, this cozy corner shop in Old Town Chinatown is open seven days a week and attracts lines of doughnut worshippers from breakfast until last call. A social scene unto itself, the line for Voodoo can wrap around the block and is packed with eager eaters.
Voodoo Doughnut has been serving over 100 different kinds of doughnuts since 2003.
Credit: Justin Katigbak
The result of their daydreaming is an unforgettable Portland experience that has sold millions of wacky snacks since opening their landmark downtown Portland location in December 2003.
Since then, the company has opened other locations in Portland and Oregon, Washington state, Texas, Orlando, Chicago, Nashville, Tempe, Boulder and Denver, with further plans to expand internationally — but none have the same magic as the original.
The shop also performs fully legal weddings underneath a giant “holy” doughnut.
Inside the original doughnut shop, service is quick, hot and fresh, with new creations constantly shuttled up from the back bakery. Some customers even tie the knot while indulging in doughnuts. That’s right — the shop also performs fully legal weddings underneath a giant “holy” doughnut.